20 Photos of What Life Looked Like During the Civil War
Daniel Bonfiglio
The US Civil War was the deadliest conflict in American History, and antiquated battle tactics joined forces with modernizing military technology to create some truly horrific bloodbaths. Featuring devastating and infamous battles like Gettysburg and Antietam, the war was a turning point in American history, and its undertones are still with us today.
In between battles, life for soldiers was impossibly difficult, and many of the war's casualties were prisoners.
Here are 20 photos showing what life looked like during the American Civil War.
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1. Ringgold Battery
On drill. -
2. A Union Camp
Guarding Confederate prisoners. -
3. "Contrabands at Headquarters of General Lafayette"
Escaped slaves with the Union Army. -
4. Union Soldiers
In a trench near the Rappahannock River in Virginia, before the Battle of Chancellorsville. Late April, 1863. -
5. The Saint Louis
The first ironclad gunboat built in America. -
6. Soldiers Graves
Near Richmond, VA. April 1865. -
7. Artillery
Yorktown, Virginia, 1862. -
8. Abraham Lincoln
Visiting Antietam. October 1862. -
9. Pontoon
Crossing the Rappahannock River, Virginia. -
10. An Army Picture Gallery
Photo day, 1860-1865. -
11. Union Engineers
Petersburg, Virginia, in August 1864. -
12. Company of Infantry
On parade. -
13. Teenage Soldiers
The Union Army. -
14. Graves of Confederate Soldiers
Charleston, South Carolina. -
15. A Bomb-Proof Hut
Petersburg lines. -
16. Engineers
The 8th New York State Militia in front of a tent, 1861. -
17. Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
Standing by a tree in front of a tent, Cold Harbor, Virginia. -
18. A Soldier Dining Hall
Group photo. -
19. A Deserted Confederate Fort
Some time between 1860 and 1865. -
20. Captain George A. Custer
With a Confederate prisoner, James B. Washington, who was Custer's former classmate.